Sugar Powder for Health


Sugar Powder for Health

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Lots of people are suffering from diabetes these days. And the number is increasing rapidly. This ayurvedic medicine, FarmBaba Sugar Powder, turns out to be very beneficial to cure diabetes.
High sugar in your body is not at all good for your health. It can affect eyes, lever, kidney, heart etc. As a result, you may be suffering from high blood pressure, heart attack, body pain, dizziness, gas, constipation, frequent urination, depression etc.
Sugar Powder is a wonderful ayurvedic medicine which can treat all such ailments. If you make certain lifestyle changes like a healthy diet and exercise along with taking this medicine, then your pancreas will start functioning better and the body”s metabolism will also get a boost.
After taking this medicine for five consecutive days, you”ll start seeing the difference. Sugar level will reduce.
Dosage: Examine your blood sugar level before undergoing medication.
If your blood sugar is more than 200 after fasting, then take 2 spoons of powder (10 gm) thrice a day.
If your blood sugar is less than 200 after fasting, one and a half spoons of powder (7.5 gm) thrice a day.
Mix it with a glass of water for 1-2 minutes properly. After taking this, drink one more glass of water.
Note: Always take the medicine before food and in transparent glass.
Dose 1: One or half an hour before breakfast
Dose 2: One or half an hour before lunch
Dose 3: One or half an hour before dinner
In the winter season, always take this medicine with lukewarm water.
Side effects: There are no side effects as it is made up of natural herbs and completely safe.